Polygeline improved hemodynamic stability in patients with hypovolemia due to traumatic injury. The improvement was seen within 1 h (golden hour) of polygeline administration and maintained consistently. Polygeline can be safely administered to patients with traumatic injury to improve hemodynamic parameters and achieve stability.
This Infusion contains calcium chloride, sodium chloride and potassium chloride that protect the patient from dehydration and electrolyte disorders after any trauma or injury. Appropriate fluid replacement is very essential to restore normal brain activity and other vital functions of the body to promote healing as well as speedy recovery.
In Short term fluid replacement after trauma.
Some common side effects of this medicine can be injection site reactions such as redness, pain or swelling. If these side effects persist for a longer duration, please consult your doctor.
Intravenous fluid preparations
Keep below 30°C temperature, away from light & moisture. Keep out of the reach of children.